WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. FRONT PAGE CAIRNGORMS ACTION FOR TRAINING & SKILLS BURSERY SCHEME • New Bursary Scheme for Cairngorms National Park residents aged 16-24 • Helping you gain skills to work in the Cairngorms National Park • Managed and funded by the Cairngorms National Park Authority Image: Cairngorms National Park Brand logo PAGE TWO INFORMATION FOR TRAINEES What training could you apply for? Cairngorms Action for Training & Skills (CATS) is a scheme to support training in vocational skills ie skills which could help you get jobs that: • involve conserving and enhancing the environment • help visitors enjoy the park • involve working on the land So if you are interested in working on a farm or estate, becoming a ranger, or instructor in skiing or other sports and need training to get that job, this scheme could be for you. There are other organisations that support training for general work skills and areas like engineering, manufacturing, construction, retail and other professional sectors. We don’t therefore assist with such training. However, we can tell you where you can find this training locally. Image: three people working outside with rocks & stones What assistance will I get? • we’ll pick up a proportion of the training fees, which will vary according to the training you want • if going on courses means that you will have childcare or travel costs, we’ll help with that too • we’ll help you plan your training and work with Careers Scotland to get your training plan sorted out PAGE THREE When & How can I apply? You can apply for an award anytime as the scheme has no deadlines.You can apply for one piece of training, or for a series of several, different courses to help you get a new job. Make sure you apply before the actual course is due to take place.We aim to award any grant within 30 days of when you first contact us. Contact us by phoning the CATS information line on tel: 01479 870573 or email: cats@cairngorms.co.uk You will be asked for some details to determine whether or not you are eligible. If you are, you will be invited to meet with us to discuss your training options. What if I don’t fit the criteria? Contact Careers Scotland who can help you plan your career.Their friendly advisers can help you look at your options and advise on employment, education and training opportunities. National line: 0845 8502 502 Aviemore: 01479 813590 Elgin: 01343 548884 Aberdeen: 01224 285200 Inverurie: 01467 623623 There are a number of training programmes which offer different benefits depending on your current situation in terms of skills and experience: Modern Apprenticeships offer people aged over 16 the chance of paid employment linked with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and PAGE FOUR management level.They are real jobs with real pay and employers recruit a number of different ways: using Jobcentre Plus, employment agencies, newspapers and word of mouth. This means it isn’t always easy to find out who might have a Modern Apprenticeship opportunity available. Skillseekers is a training programme for young people who want to develop skills and equip themselves for the world of work. It is mostly for young people aged 16-18 although there are exceptions to this. Get Ready for Work helps young people identify their individual needs and offer training in a number of skills and is for people aged 16–18. You can use the Scottish Enterprise Training Suppliers’ directory to help you search for training programmes and contact local training providers to find out if there are any opportunities in your area www.scottishtrainingdirectories.co.uk. Alternatively, check out the Careers Scotland website www.careers-scotland.org.uk. *Modern Apprenticeships, Skillseekers and Get Ready for Work are supported by, and delivered in partnership with Scottish Enterprise and Highlands & Islands Enterprise. CNPA’s Land Based Business Training Project offers employees of land based businesses the chance to add to their training and skills. Employers should contact LBBTP on tel: 01479 873535 or email: katechristie@cairngorms.co.uk A variety of training is available for everyone from your local Learning Centre Network.To find the centre closest to you phone 0808 100 9000, or go to www.learndirectscotland.com. Also, you may be able to get financial assistance from the Individual Learning Account www.ilascotland.org.uk PAGE FIVE INFORMATION FOR TRAINING PROVIDERS Many training providers are already known to CATS but you may wish to contact us to make us aware of courses you offer, or you may know of an individual who is looking for training who could apply to CATS for support. INFORMATION FOR EMPLOYERS If you have a skills gap, and know of people who could fill it if they had the proper training, you should encourage them to approach CATS. We cannot assist with in-work training for your current employees. Image: Two forestry workers cutting trees using chainsaws. BACK PAGE Image: Skiers on ski slope HOW TO CONTACT CATS: Tel: 01479 870573 Email: cats@cairngorms.co.uk For a large print version of this leaflet, please contact the Cairngorms National Park Authority for a copy, tel: 01479 873535. Photographs by David Gowans, Stewart Grant, CNPA This leaflet has been produced by the Cairngorms National Park Authority, 14 The Square, Grantown-on-Spey, Moray PH26 3HG www.cairngorms.co.uk Image: Cairngorms National Park Authority logo